Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aquinas five ways

" The truth of th christian faith...surpasses the capacity of reason, nevertheless that truth that the human reason is naturally endowed to know can not be opposed to the truth of the christian faith."

this is what he belived

First way: Argument from motion
He belived that nothing can move itself. he said "if every object in motion had a mover, then the first object in motion needed a mover" he stated that the first mover is the unmoved. in other words God started it all. an example would be a hill and a rock. okay so thr rock happens to roll off the hill. Who is the mover? Gravity can be it but in reality we put the rock on the hill, so that makes us the mover. who moves us? our minds move us. what moves our mind? God does. he is the unmoved mover. everything always leads back to him.

Second way: Causation of existence
This deals with the issue of existence. nothin could have created itself, therefor there had to be a cretor. he belived that there was an ultimately uncaused first cause. he belive that this was God. he was the one how started the chain of all existance. we can follow this argument in many ways. things cause other things to happen. nothing has caused itself to exist. we cannot just keep on asking so who craeted that...there has to be a beggining. that begining was God. we can use many examples in everyday life. so when we get to school we sit on a desk to learn. there had to be someone who came up with the idea and built it. there are certain tool that were used in building the desk. there for it did not build itself. God-human-brain-tools-thought-desk.

Third way: Contingent and necessery objects
This way deal with two things. one being contingent beings. the other being necessary beings. he helped us follow the argument this way. contingent beings are caused. not every being can be contingent. there has to exist a being necessary to cause contingent beings. that person being God. an example to all this would be medicine. medicine is the contingent being. humans are the necessary beings. if we did not exist then there would be no need for medicine.

Fourth way: The argument from degrees and perfection
this has to do with how we compare things to other things. in order to do that there needs to be a scale that we follow. he believed that this scale was based on God. there need to be opinions to what the person is comparing. this becomes known as a degree or graduation of a quality whether it being beauty, brains, ect. people usually compare other people. for this to happen there needs to be a standard to all the comparing going on. in this case everything revolved around God

Fifth way: The argument from intelligent design
finally this way has to do with the observable universe and the order of nature. we are told certain things to explain how other certain things were made. we have an explination to why things work. we should be thinking that God has everything to do with what we have and who we are today. he said that one can conclude that the universe was designed by an intellectual designer, being God. in other words all physical laws and the order of life was created by God, who is actually our intelectual designer.

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